Oct 1, 2024 | Dry Eye Syndrome

Gritty Eyes: Why Do My Eyes Feel Like There’s Sand in Them?

a man looking uncomfortable and holding a hand to his head

Gritty Eyes: Why Do My Eyes Feel Like There’s Sand in Them?

Oct 1, 2024 | Dry Eye Syndrome

Have you ever felt like there was sand in your eyes even though you know there’s nothing there? This sensation is known as “gritty eyes,” and it can be a sign of an underlying issue such as dry eyes or allergies. Understanding the root cause is key to finding the right treatment. Learn about the common causes of gritty eyes and what you can do to find relief.  

Common causes of gritty eyes 

Gritty eyes are usually a sign that your eyes aren’t producing enough tears or the right kind of tears to keep the surface of your eyes lubricated (known as dry eye syndrome). When your eyes are dry, it can cause that scratchy, uncomfortable sensation. Other potential causes include: 

  • Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids) 
  • Environmental factors such as wind, dust, or a dry climate 
  • Allergies 
  • Contact lens wear 

Could it be dry eye syndrome? 

Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common reasons for gritty eyes. When your tear glands don’t produce enough moisture, or your tears evaporate too quickly, the surface of your eyes becomes dry and irritated. This condition can be caused by aging, too much screen time, hormonal changes, or even certain medications or medical conditions. 

Dry eye is often a chronic condition, meaning you may experience this discomfort regularly. If left untreated, dry eye can lead to complications beyond just discomfort. Chronic dry eye can cause damage to the surface of your eye, including corneal abrasions, scarring, and an increased risk of eye infections. It may also affect your vision, as tears are essential for maintaining a stable, healthy surface for vision. Fortunately, there are effective treatments for dry eye to prevent more serious issues from developing.  

Dry eye treatment at Seacoast Vision Care 

If you’ve been dealing with persistent gritty eyes and eye drops and at-home remedies aren’t providing relief, it might be time to consider professional treatment. At Seacoast Vision Care, we offer dry eye treatment in Scarborough, Maine to address the root causes of your dry eye symptoms. We may suggest lifestyle changes, prescription eye drops, or in-office therapies such as: 

  • OptiLight IPL therapy: This innovative treatment uses light pulses to reduce inflammation and improve the function of the oil glands in your eyelids. This helps stabilize your tears and keeps your eyes moisturized. 
  • ZEST: This procedure removes debris and bacteria from your eyelids and lashes, improving eye hygiene and reducing irritation. 

Both of these treatments are designed to relieve dry eye symptoms and improve your overall eye comfort. If you’ve been struggling with gritty eyes and over-the-counter solutions haven’t worked, schedule an appointment with us to find the solution that works best for you.